This pic is of Todd D. Danger at last summer's stick stop event. I think it is a great pic.

This is me during the Chunkathalon, 2006. You can see Zoren right next to me, and Peter is on a tall bike, so his head is right above mine...

Mary Lou Who?

I stopped on the Hawthorne Bridge just long enough to watch this fisherman pull in this salmon, then drop it onto the floor of his boat..It was then I realized I should have been taking pictures all along..... Click on the pic to see the dog staring at this fat fish...

Matt makes a nice catch playing frisbee in the street by the stoop. I heard down the street on the same day, PI guys were playing football, in the tradition of Cascade Blue and the Creeps

A classic scene at the stoop...

Beefa installing a spoke card right before the "Whore Of The Core" race...


A pic of the always elusive "Shcnidecker", a messenger staple in this town, and someone I have known for like 20 years...

R.Kelly.com making polo mallets

This is a classic example of a loud, Canadian invasion, in the gray skies above Rickreal.

This is the new "Extreme" feature in Rickreal.... In this pic you can see me gracefully sailing across it.
While in these next few pics, you will see that some are not quite as graceful as others.

Didn't quite get on there straight....

Nice anglular ridng style

Going down...
You can see when the pic is bigger that he clearly had the where-with-all to flip me off on the way down. A level thinker all the way into the dirt.

Everyone teaching Junko how to shoot

My alternative Polo bike...
This is a Guerciotti from the mid 80's, that is a one of a kind in my opinion. The chain stay has had a belt drive attachment (a press fitting that allows the chain stay to come apart, so as to apply a belt). I do not have a belt drive, but I plan to find one someday.
This bike has started folding in on itself, starting with a crack in the lower lug of the head tube, which progressed to a bend in the seat tube.
Then after a little while, I found a dimple in the bottom of the down tube....Game, set, match....Instant Polo Bike!!

Pigeon named Larry on Zac's bars..
This pigeon showed up wounded and on foot outside the Ash Street. I have more pics, including one with a sign right next to him that reads something to the effect of "This is Larry, Don't fuck with him"
On a side note, just after this shot there came a shot of Barney, the Rhinestone CowDan with Larry frightfully wedged between a big bun....

Larry again...

Wheelie Mark Scores!
This is a pretty good pic of Wheelie Mark scoring a goal. If you click on these pics they get really huge, lots of detail...
The polo that has been going on is way beyond expectations.
Great games, fisti-cuffs, more great games, beverages...

This pic of Sash is great, mainly because the mallet is against the ball, controlling it, but the ball and the mallet are both off the ground...

Brian going around the Ringer, or at least around his front tire, check the angle of the blur...

Team Murder and Team Wreck, represent..