After the frustration of Thursday's ride, I spent a small part of Saturday night working on the Fat Chance. I installed a Selle San Marco Rolls "Due " saddle, and went over the bike. There is virtually no clearance between the rear tire and the chain stay, so if the wheel goes out of true, which it always does, I need to re-true it to get it to clear. This of course would turn out to be the least of my worries as I headed out Sunday afternoon.
Ward Rd. is right by my house, and a quick trek along the most dangerous stretch of road in Clark County put me at a right turn onto Davis Rd. I took Davis out to 112th avenue, and turned left for a couple of miles.
There is an old garage at the intersection of 112th avenue and Powell RD. I stopped here to refuel, drink, and sit in the sun before entering the trees just ahead. Powell is a fine ride, but preferably down, as the road from there just climbs and climbs. I stopped by the fire station and took my first pic of the day.

From here Rawson Rd. keeps climbing. Past the gun range, the fence of which is in the next pic.

From here one must continue on up, but will soon come to a rolling section of smooth asphalt. This was laid not too many years ago to replace the old gravel forest rd.
I came to the sign stating I was entering the Gifford Pinchot forest, and decided to make a safety stop. And what do I discover when coming to that stop?
My front brake bolt has rattled out entirely, and the brake is hanging in the wheel.

I ended up disabling the brake, and using one of my pump straps to attach it back onto the post.

This will hold well enough to get home, as long as I don't try to use the front brakes. The idea of this is not fun, as the hills I have chosen to descend are serious business.
The rolling hills along this stretch of Rawson Rd. are relaxing, with some long uphills, and nice downhill cruises.

It seemed like, after the braking incident, I was at the top in no time. I suppose it must have been victorious for everyone there, as there was shooting and hooting and hollerin' going on all around me. (Why do people feel they need to shoot at rocks? Or anything for that matter.)

A on board shot. I had just really hit the snow line here, but was rolling along so well I didn't want to stop.

Ironically, the no shooting sign seen here, right where the people were shooting....
I wanted to linger here longer, as much as I love gunfire. But the sun was going down, and so was I, as this Forest Road loomed before me.

This is Forest Road L1400. It is a combination of fun, hard packed dirt downhills, climbs, and mellow riding across a ridge.

It soon turns into L1000, then begins to drop quickly. My front brake being useless, my speeds were very quick, and my knuckles very white, as I flew past the junction of L1000 and Livingston RD. MY brakes howled as I turn at speed onto 53rd St. This is near the start of Bradford RD., that I had climbed on Thursday, and dropped down like a rock today.
In no time I was somehow on Fourth Plain Blvd, having missed my proper turn. It had taken me 2 1/2 hours to do the traverse, even with my small gear. Fully satisfied, I rode home, sat in a chair, and did not move for two hours or so.
These training rides up the hill are leading to a bigger, better goal. I have my sights set on a three county traverse, from East of Washougal to Moulton Falls, North of Battleground. Therte is still too much snow on the mt. to scout the trail routes yet, so I use Google Earth till the spring thaw.