Instead, I get a call from Disco around 1p.m. He tells me he is in a hotel room in Hermiston, drinking a bottle of wine and watching the Tour. I immediately realize that this changes the whole plan. Spence and Shelly are riding down with us, but are conveniently out of phone reach on the Rogue River. or at least on the way back.
What to do, what to do? I pretty much know instantly what I have to do, and call El Dupe to let him know I am on my way to Rickreal.
By 3p.m. I am leaving the compound by dirt trail, a nice downhill, then onto the country roads.
I needed to meet Mason downtown around 5, which is quite a ways from where I started. I crossed Vancouver fairly uneventfully, and fast. I was already growing concerned about ending my ride in the dark, but decided to press on regardless.
I got to Downtown Portland by 5:15, met him quickly, and then head off down the road again.
I didn't stop much after downtown.
I had a cup of coffee in Sherwood. I have been carrying around these little foil packs of organic espresso called "Black Gold", and finally decided to try one out. I hobbled into a Starbucks and pilfered (or asked for) some hot water, and made a nice Americano. This combined with a safety meeting made for smooth rolling.
I didn't stop again until I got to Newberg. This was only for cigarettes. The guy working there suggested maybe I get some water or something, but he obviously didn't understand the grasp of the situation at hand.
The sun is going down. I have no time for water, or anything else for that matter. It was Rickreal or Bust.
I drafted a truck all the way through and past Lafayette, as it was a full size but empty flat bed semi tractor trailer rig. He knew I was there, and this was a welcome pull at this stage of the game.
I flew through Mc Minnville, and hit a strong head wind North of Amity. This picture was taken while rolling out just South of Amity.
I arrived at the farmer family Farm at around 10 p.m. Thursday night. There was great surprise when I walked into the house, as no one believed I would make it that night. Especially so far out.
The last 2 1/2 miles were the gravel of Farmer Rd. I can tell you this much, gravel, pitch (as in country oh my god it is dark!) dark, and front bags do not mix, and if it weren't for the still German made Continental Grand Prix's I am running, I never would have made it.
I woke up the next morning to find my rear tire flat. It held out that whole time.
I love Continentals!
More on The Rickreal Open to follow.....